Thanks for downloading JRG Stats, the ultra simple and fast PHP Soldat log parser. This requires php and mysql. I have only tested this with php 5.2.1, mysql 5 and apache2 under linux. I do not know what other versions of php or mysql or platforms it will run on. Instructions for use: 1) Open the config.php file in notepad or another plain text editor. 2) Fill out the mysql database and log storing information. Save it. Close it. 3) Run install.php, if it is successful, delete install.php. If it isn't successful, gather what you can from the error messages it gives and attempt troubleshooting. 4) to update the kill logs, run update.php. This file can be run from a cron job If you are getting logs via ftp, you must give the folder ftp_tmp permissions to be written to. This folder is where each log is stored for temporary viewing use then deleted immediately. Files safe to rename: index.php update.php install.php don't rename the others if you want to customise the layout, you can edit the contents of layout.php and default.css If you have any questions or comments, email me: Version History: v1.6 (10/01/2007) - - Fixed SQL Structure bug where kills with Stationary Gun get screwed - Enabled support for stationary gun kills v1.5 (9/23/2007) - - Update script extremely optimised - Ability to get logs via ftp - First non beta release v1.4b (9/19/2007) - - Much better update script - Optimised SQL queries - Signature Image Support - Random bug fixes - Various Optimisations - Pagination added to the Players List page v1.3b (9/11/2007) - - Support logs with the old filenames - Completely reworked database structure - Much faster - Tidier and more organized code v1.2b (9/10/2007) - - Support for Soldat's Kill log bugs - More Weapon Stats - Tidier code in certain areas - Various Optimizations v1.1b (9/9/2007) - - Weapon Stats - Weapon Stats for each player - Weapon Images - Tidier code - Various Optimizations